Event Guide


Raise the pines!

20 Years Celebrated

Boggs 8-hour mountain bike race takes place in Boggs Demonstration State Forest just outside of the quaint mountain hamlet of Cobb, California. It was the very first mountain bike race that we ever produced--It is quintessential Bike Monkey, through and through. We cut our teeth here, found out what we were made of, and started producing much bigger, more complicated events in California, Nevada and Idaho. But it's right here in this quiet little forest where we raise the pines each year, and celebrate Bike Monkey's birthplace.

Come one, come all.

The 2025 edition of the Boggs 8 hour race marks 20 years of event production.

Race Format

Boggs "Funduro"

The Funduro is back!

A decade ago, we introduced the multi-discipline Funduro format to the Boggs 8-Hour weekend, featuring a hill climb and Super-D race designed to take advantage of the fact that we were all there to begin with. We felt at the time that a long weekend in the forest deserved some additional programming. But after the Valley Fire, the Funduro was lost in the archives among other relics of our past madness. But to celebrate our 20th anniversary, we're bringing it back.

The Funduro will add a hill climb and a hyper creative super-d component back into the mix.

BONUS: They're included, and optional!

You do not have to register separately for the hill climb or super-d events. As a competitor of the 8-Hour race, you're already registered for everything. Even though they're purely optional, if you show up at the start line and race, we'll get your time and you may find yourself standing on a podium.

FRIDAY: The Hill Climb

3.84 Miles, 1059'

The new hill climb is longer, and more fun!

It's not 100% up either. It begins at the bottom of road 100 and ascends to the beginning of the all-too-familiar climb up road 200 which features pitches of nearly 16%. But then it mellows out, and rolls with a solid mile of recovery before the final climb up Karen's Trail where we will capture your finish.

Hill Climb Rules

1. Must be the same bike!

The hill climb race must be done on the exact same bike you race for the 8-Hour event. No funny business either: The only thing you're allowed to change out are your wheels and/or tires.

2. Start with your group

Make sure to start with your group below based on the category that you've signed up for in the 8-hour race.

5:00PM Start Time

We will start at 5:00PM in groups separated by a couple of minutes. The hill climb categories will go off in waves based on how many people arrive in each of the respective categories. Likely something along the lines of the following, but is subject to change:

Start Wave 1: Singlespeed
Start Wave 2: Pro-Expert Men & Women - All Genders
Start Wave 3: Sport, Beginner, and Para - All Genders
Start Wave 4: Masters Men & Women

TEAM RELAY MEMBERS -- if you are signed up as part of a team, your participation in the hill climb race will require that you select a solo category to start with. You may do this at the beginning of the race.

The 8-Hour Relay Race

9.7 Miles, 984'

The 2025 race course is longer, and shorter at the same time. This formula = more fun! (see a theme?)

We added 1.9 Miles and eliminated 134 feet of elevation. You're welcome. This year's race course will feature our first-ever figure-8 loop. That's correct: the race course crosses over itself. It's pure madness. It's a race course that we have had stuffed away in the archives of the wayback-machine for more than a decade and a half. It was ahead of its time. Thank you for your patience.

8 Hour Race Rules

The 8 hour race rules are quite simple, but people also get confused by them because of this one little nuance: it could actually be 9 hours. Let us explain the rules:

  1. 1 DESIGNATED STARTER: Each 2-person and 3-person relay team will designate a starter. The starter is responsible for the first lap of the race, and must start at 8:00am with everyone else.
  2. 1-2 TEAMMATES: Teammates are the people/person on your team who are not the starter. They can ro-sham-bo for who gets to go next. Every teammate must complete at least 1 lap in order for their team to be eligible for a podium spot.
  3. LAP SCORING: The Boggs 8 Hour is a relay race. RFID race scoring technology is used to determine where you stand, and will also be used to verify course completion. Scoring is ranked by the highest number of laps completed within the time cuts.
  4. TRANSITION ZONE: The transition zone for the 8 hour relay race takes place right in front of the finish line where teammates will gather, and await whoever on their team is completing a lap. Once your teammate crosses the finish line, you may leave the transition zone, and begin your lap. Your lap time begins when your teammate finishes.
  5. STANDING HIGH FIVE: A virtual baton is passed between you and your teammate when you cross the finish line after having completed a lap. Before your teammate can begin their lap for your team, you must complete your lap, and give them a high five or make contact with them in some way, effectively tapping out.
  6. MULTIPLE LAPS: Relay competitors can complete more than one lap in succession before they tap out. For instance the starter may complete as man laps as they desire before tapping out for their teammate to jump in.
  7. THE FINAL LAP: The final lap is where the 8 hour race gets interesting. We sort of made this one up years ago, and it stuck. It's simple, but a very important tactical decision. You may start your final lap until as late as 4:00PM on race day which signifies the end of 8 hours of racing, and you must complete your final lap before 5:00PM. At the end of the day, for some, this is a question of whether they have to, and for others it's a question of whether they can. The spectacle makes for an exciting finish after a long day of racing where the ante is upped in the final hour of competition.
The Super-Delerious

Information forthcoming.

More information about our final shenanigan of the weekend is forthcoming. Stay tuned.



1:00PM - You may arrive!

2:00PM - Packet Pickup Opens

4:00PM - Better get your ass to the Hill Climb start, or make your way to the course to make some noise!

5:00PM - Hill Climb Start

6:00PM - Hill Climb Awards

8:00PM - Packet Pickup Closes

8:00PM - Rider Meeting


6:00AM - Packet Pickup Opens

7:30AM - Get staged

8:00AM - 8 Hour Start

4:00PM - No more lap starts

5:00PM - 8 Hour Finish

5:30PM - 8 Hour Awards

6:00PM - Closing Remarks

7:00PM - Super-Delerious


There is no programmed activity on Sunday.

Campers must depart Boggs before the end of the day on Sunday. However you're welcome to stick around during the day and explore more of the trails that are being opened up.


Awards Categories

How awards are configured


  1. Awards are given to the top 3 finishers of all categories. Top 5 if there are 30+ entrants in a given category
  2. You must be present to collect your prizes during the awards ceremony which takes place the day of the race at 5:30pm.



Para-Athlete Men / Women
Beginner Men / Women / Non-Binary
Sport Men / Women / Non-Binary
Pro-Expert Men / Women / Non-Binary
Masters 40+ Men / Women
Masters 50+ Men / Women
Masters 60+ Men / Women
Masters 70+ Men / Women
Singlespeed Men / Women


Para-Athlete Men / Women
Beginner Men / Women / Non-Binary
Sport Men / Women / Non-Binary
Pro-Expert Men / Women / Non-Binary
Masters 40+ Men / Women
Masters 50+ Men / Women
Masters 60+ Men / Women
Masters 70+ Men / Women
Singlespeed Men / Women






Categories and Prizes are TBA


In a tent

Tent Camping

Camping in a tent, made of fabric, on the ground

Tent / Car Camping is a strong tradition at Boggs. Some people even sleep in the bushes, but that's entirely up to you. However it's important to take note that camping is not included with your entry. You must reserve your campsite separately during registration.

You must reserve your campsite at the time of registration or by emailing us by the Wednesday before the event at 12 noon. You cannot just show up at Boggs and expect to grab a site. You are required to purchase a site in advance.

200 sites will be made available on a first-come/first-serve basis at $50/site, paid at the time of registration (make sure to include a campsite to your race entry).

Additional campsite rule detail.

Since the Valley Fire in 2015, and subsequent restoration of Boggs Demonstration State Forest, overnight camping within the forest has been suspended.

Boggs 8 Hour is the exception to this rule, but you must have reserved one of only 200 spaces.

When you register for the Boggs 8 Hour race, you have the option of adding a car+tent or van campsite to your entry. This is required if you intend to camp at Boggs on race weekend. If you have not reserved a campsite, you will not be allowed to enter the forest on Friday before the race, and you must vacate the forest on Saturday after the 8 hour race.

Large Vehicles

Strict Large Vehicle Rules

Van / Large Vehicle camping

"Large Vehicles" include anything larger than 20 feet in length.

We have a strict large vehicle rule at Boggs because of limited camping and parking space. Regardless where you stayed last year, this rule will be enforced.

A 1/2 ton crew-cab truck with a 5.5' bed is usually the largest vehicle that doesn't exceed our 20-foot rule. We don't count the bike rack, so don't worry about that. If you are camping, and your vehicle exceeds 20' in length, you will be required to purchase a Large Vehicle Camping Pass for $75. If you are simply arriving for race day and your vehicle exceeds 20' in length you will be required to purchase a Large Vehicle Parking Pass for $75.

How will they know?

We know. As you arrive, our staff will be on-site with a marked 20 foot area along the entrance road. If the bumper-to-bumper footprint of your vehicle does not fit within this marked space, you will be required to pay the fee.


We are working hard to find a way to allow small teardrop style trailers to return to Boggs. Please standby as we assess placement criteria, and capacity. Trailers camping passes will be made available for a fee of $75.


Large Vehicle Pass = $75 (greater than 20 feet without bike rack)
Tent Camping = $50 (small campsite with room to pitch a tent and park at or nearby)
Trailer Camping = $75 (currently under development - limited space)


What you get with registration?

All the sides


  • 3 days of venue access, pre-riding, racing & relaxing in the pines.
  • All competitions are included!
  • Post-race meal by Gerard's Paella.
  • The best commemorative t-shirt is included when you register before October 1st.
  • Post-race beers and NA beverages.
  • Transition zone snacks.
  • Access to drinking water on-site that we'll keep topped off all weekend.




Parking at Boggs

Parking at Boggs is tight, so we all have to work together to make it fit.

If you arrive before Saturday, please DON'T park at the main parking lot near the entrance (Cal Fire Station), we will reserve that space for same-day parking. You can park on the right side of Road 500 (main road going up to Calso Camp) and any fire road, if there is room and as long as you leave at least 14 feet for fire truck access and you stay off the seedlings. We will mark the spaces but please use your best judgement. High clearance vehicles can park at "Building Pad" site, which is to be entered through Horse Camp (van camp).

This Google Maps link will take you to the Cal Fire Station on Forestry Road.


Wood fires are possibly allowed (please inquire with us when you check in on the latest word from CalFire). If wood fires are permitted, they will ONLY be allowed in the pre-existing group fire rings that must be shared with all guests-- not in your own campsite except in above-ground propane heaters/fire pits. Dress in layers. Wear a headlamp.



Camping is not allowed in Boggs Demonstration State Forest except for the event weekend!
Campsites must be pre-purchased Boggs no longer supports first-come/first-serve camping. Due to changes in forestry management, there's a diligence that must be adhered to so we can easily crowd-manage. When you register, you are able to select a campsite. If you did not already select a campsite but did already register, and wish to add a campsite to your entry please email us, and we'll get you straightened out. Your $50 campsite is good for Friday AND Saturday night.

Due to limited space, RVs and Trailers will be strictly prohibited at the Boggs 8 Hour race. No exceptions.

Camping is available to those with vans, cabovers, car or tent ONLY. We have very limited non tent camping, at Horse Camp only, so please let us know if you're planning on sleeping in a van/vehicle (again, no trailers or RVs).

Tent camping will be similar to what we offer at Wente, if you're familiar with that event: spots are first come first served, you can unload your vehicle near your tent site but you CANNOT PARK THERE.

Tent camping is allowed at the following locations (only): Calso Camp, Ridge Camp and Group Camp. Van camping is allowed at Horse Camp only (and has limited space). We will have portalets/standard toilets at each of these camps, but remember that there is no water or other amenities at Boggs.



QUIET HOURS: 10:00 pm - 6:00 am

Fun is typically associated with loudness. People (and blow-up dinosaurs) tend to argue that "too much fun" is an urban legend that is used by some to restrict the debauchery of others. In reality, "too much fun" is a very real thing and is typically had at the expense of others who paid for at least some reasonable level of respect for sleep. For this reason, "fun" after 10:00 pm is restricted to fun that others cannot hear. And it is a hard rule -- At 10:00pm, loudness will be considered grounds for banishment. We will enforce this by way of shaming, and disqualification if you are a competitor.


Well behaved dogs are allowed, on leash only. Don't forget the poo bags. Quiet hours are for dogs too, so if your pup likes to howl at night, please leave them at home.


You may arrive on Friday starting at 11:00 AM, and must depart on Sunday.


At Boggs you are required to pack out whatever you pack in. We do not offer trash service. Be a grown up here. If we catch you leaving your crap behind, you'll be voted off the island. If you're good enough to camp, you're good enough to care.


PLEASE, if you must run a generator it needs to operate at a reasonable volume as to not be a nuisance to other campers, and you cannot run it all night. Generators must be turned off at 10:00pm.




Not dry as in you can't drink, but dry in that there's no water! So each participant needs to bring their own water. We recommend at least several gallons of the stuff. We'll provide water at the start/finish area for people to refill water bottles, but you need to come prepared to be self sufficient. A long 8 hour race will demand fluids, and we'll work hard to keep up. OSMO will be in the house to help us with that, but it's gonna take a team lift!


There are no flushing toilets on-site. Port-O-Lets will be available for the weekend. There are also a couple of permanent pit toilets, however we do not stock those with toilet paper, and those run out quick. So bring some.